what does self development mean to you?

Thursday, March 17, 2022

We all want to do better. At least most of us. We all want different outcomes. Being self aware and improving in all area's of my life is something I hold close to my heart.

What is self development? 

In my own words it’s overcoming bad habits while stepping into the most aligned version of ourselves. Whether it’s about your career goals, your relationships, or dreams. You know what you want out of this life. You are self aware and want to do the work. You think before saying or doing something because you are in the right direction. You are in check with yourself. In simple terms, you want to improve. However, I don’t think we ever stop doing the work to improve. We just don’t. We are human. There is always room to grow. We make mistakes… 

I am a huge believer of therapy. I want to know the root of every emotion I'm feeling. I am a believer of bringing topics all the way up from under the surface. No one likes a surface level conversation. There is a reason for everything and most of our habits begin at an early age. In my opinion therapy is one of the biggest things you can do to achieve self development. Just because you read a self book once won't change our life, it takes daily practice. 

The purpose of self development is to have a winner’s mindset. From the words of Rhonda Byrne in her book called ''The Power'' which is a continuation of one of her most amazing books ‘’The Secret’’. She opens her book with these wise words. You are meant to have an amazing life! You are meant to have everything you love and want in life. Your work is meant to be exciting. Your relationships with your family and friends are meant to be filled with happiness. You are meant to have all the money you need to live a full, wonderful life. If you want to travel you are meant to travel. If you would love to start a business you are meant to start a business. If you would love to learn to sail a yacht or study Italian you are meant to do those things. If you would love to be a musician, a scientist, a performer, a parent or whatever it is you would love to be, you are meant to be it! 

This world is filled with abundance and those who don’t want to practice self development are not turning the page. So what are the steps to better yourself? Their’s no rule book or one size fits all. First get uncomfortable. Change is uncomfortable. There is nothing new that comes out of comfort zones. When I quit my job in the middle of a pandemic with no back up plan simply because I outgrew where I was working. It was uncomfortable but it brought me so much more knowledgeable and experience in the 15+ zoom interviews that I had. I listened to my gut on choosing the right job that was for ME in the matter of 3 weeks. 

The steps I’ve taken to begin my journey into personal development are First calm yourself and de-stress. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s ok to make mistakes. This is coming from someone who is super hard on themselves. Anyone want to continue getting advice from me? :) It’s okay when you did the opposite of what you said you were going to do. Just don’t pack up and stay there. Feel all the emotions you need to feel because it's the only way through, then move on.

Gratitude I know you’ve heard this before. Always.. practice.. gratitude. Focus on what you have, not on what you don’t. Gratitude will bring more positive emotions into your life and you will build stronger relationships.

Work out When was the last time you had good work out??  I'm sure we all know the benefits of working out so we don't need to go there. Working out can help your brain get on the right track when your aligning into becoming the best version of yourself so who doesn't want to feel good? think good? and also look good? :)

Meditate When was the last time you took 5 minutes to yourself and just sat in silence and blocked out the noise. I know this is something that is hard for most people. I wasn’t very into meditation when I first started, and I don’t do this as part of my everyday ritual, but I do it at least every other day especially with my partner. I put my headphones on, the comfy kind that block out any noise for focus. When I am also in this space of peace, I pray. I may also repeat affirmations to myself such as “I am enough” “I am a magnet for all the great things I want to attract into my life” any positive self talk !

Revolve yourself around the right people who are making strides to be the best version of themselves as well. It’s all about what your feeding into your brain. Misery likes company. This can even go for social media as well. Unfollow accounts that don’t inspire you. You want to feel motivated, you want to gain something. Think about all the positive things social media is for, perhaps learning a new skill? Learn a recipe, learn some new beauty tips, or follow some pages with good words of wisdom to share.

Overcome your fears Identify triggers, really think about what will be the effect after the cause if something doesn’t work out. Will this matter in 5 years? If you need help with this journal it out. Ask your self these questions. What is this really about? What are you afraid of? 

Practice random acts of kindness,

Remember what you give out into the universe will come back to you.

''When you want to attract 

something in your life, make sure 

your actions don't contradict your desires''

 Author unknown

This is all I have for now. Until then keep growing, keep crossing off your goals. You are meant for so much more in this life and you don't even know it!


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