A letter to my younger self

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Dear Younger me,

I have traveled back in time to deliver you a message. I hope to share with you lessons of wisdom you are about to learn. You're 18 and have no idea what the world holds before you as you finish high school. I chose this time because this is where you would need me most. Life will be filled with amazing experiences of happiness, joy, pain and loss. You're already questioning the way things are, have courage to turn
that questioning into action. I want to remind you that You'll need to work hard for everything you want.
Nothing in this life will be handed to you. Nothing. You have to sometimes go out of your way to get what you want. Remember to speak up when you don't like something. Remember to Stand up for yourself. Keep speaking and help those who need it. 

You have time. You will have time to finish school, it's ok to take a break. There's no need to rush the  time, it's ok to not know what you want to do. You will have time to meet the man of your dreams. Please don't take life so serious, have fun, put your priorities first because in reality you will spend a majority of your life searching for the glass slipper. Don't sweat the small stuff. The fights, the drama, there will be so much more to look forward to that if in 5 years it won't matter then don't let it take up more then 5 minutes of your mind. Take care of your body and mind. Start taking care of your mind and be grateful for everything you have. Take care of your mind by practicing gratitude and meditation. Take advantage of those home cooked meals and stay active.

Not everyone you meet is your friend. In fact not everyone is going to like you! Some people will be around for a season, a reason, or a lifetime. There will be people who will want you to fail. Some will find reasons to dislike you for no reason or be envious of you, kill them with kindness for all it is a reflection of their own insecurities. Your a kind soul, don't confide in other's as much as you want to. Some will test you, use you, disappoint you and lastly some will truly love you for you so don't dismiss those that care for you.

Be kind to other's but most of all be 
KIND TO YOURSELF and the rest will follow.

Believe in yourself. If someone compliments you and says you done something well. Believe them. Don't put yourself down. Be so confident that no one's opinion or rejection or behavior can move you.
The most self destructive thing you could do is believe anyone else's opinions about yourself. NO ONE will know you better then you know yourself. NO ONELife will go fast so reach for the stars, travel, make memories. Run to the ends of the earth, take photos of everything and everyone for memories it all will become one day.

Life will be tough but so are you.

with love,

your 29 year old self.

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