My journey towards healing

Sunday, November 24, 2019

2019 a year of growth. As this year comes to an end I've come closer to finding myself and started working on healing.

Now, I’ve always been one to expect quick fixes, like most people do I'm sure, when in reality I haven’t done the healing. This is a practice of restoring our spirit, soul, or whatever you want to call it. This healing happens as we begin to fully reconnect with ourselves, who we really are at our core. It is about finding a connection to something greater than ourselves. A higher power perhaps? In the process we are healing not just ourselves, but the way we look at the world.

I believe in the saying ''time heals all wounds'' but that's only because after a while people move on and life goes on. We move on but did we really heal? Did we dig deep enough? Healing has multiple layers. Is it a healing of the mind? of the body? of the heart? of the soul? I know I've had to ask myself this. What is your main struggle in life right now? Is there something in your past that isn't allowing you to live to your best potential today? Is there a sense of grief from a lost relationship or a loved one who has passed or the big one. Regret?

Healing doesn't mean let's pretend these bad things didn't happen/aren't happening to us but rather that we won't allow them to take over our lives anymore. Living in the past cannot shape a better future. The first step in healing is to accept because denial is the biggest barrier. Second...Blame. Stop blaming yourself.  My healing has worked out best for me through meditation & prayer. Not to drag God into this. I've always been a person of faith and believe he is always guiding me and having my back, but am I putting in the work? Am I doing the work to bring the things I want into my life? No one is responsible for me but me and our actions everyday are shaping our future.
My healing has also lead me to listen to an app called “insight timer” for at least 5 minutes of my day. On most days I listen to podcasts with topics such as obsessive thinking, stress, relationships & love etc.

Traveling has always been a huge form of spiritual healing for me. It forces you to be present and shifts your mood. Being far away and reconnecting with yourself especially when your alone is a great way to feed the soul. Now I don’t mean that 5 star resort trip in the Bahamas although there can be something awakening in those trips too. I mean the places that make you expand your mind. Walking in lands over 2000 years old. I'll never forget hiking Machu Picchu in 2017, looking at gorgeous views surrounded by mountains and coming to the realization of how limitless this life is. There is a sense of gratitude in traveling, we all can get frustrated when life throws us a turn but when we leave our comfort zone that's when we realize how lucky we really are.

''Strong woman aren't simply born 
 they are made by the storms they walk through''

Healing has opened up my mind into looking at why a wound made it's way there in the first place. I know I've had to backtrack to uncover what I've needed to heal in. Especially the wounds where nothing was ever said but something felt communicated. Healing has helped breaks patterns where I kept ending up in the ''how did I get here'' pattern over and over again. Healing will require you to distance yourself from relationships and friendships that no longer serve you anymore. In 2020, let's break old patterns, surround yourself with good people, stop living in the past and start living for you.

It’s time to become the best version of ourselves. Are you ready for 2020?

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