My thoughts on COVID-19

Thursday, March 19, 2020

I hope that everyone is staying safe and coping during this difficult and scary time. In many countries of the world people are living in fear. Italy just passed China in the number of deaths and it will only get worse before it gets better. Unless you are living under a rock you know what is going on and how to take precaution. The future is unknown and the panic is real due to what is being created in the media and it by no means is helping our situation.

I for one was someone who wasn't taking this virus very seriously. I was still very certain I was going on a birthday trip to Thailand to celebrate my 30th and other events, etc. I needed to educate myself on these current events and come to terms with reality.

I am not worried about me, I am more worried about my parents and the elderly that could get sick and what is going to happen with our economy once this is over. I've sat around laughing at memes these last few weeks like most of us have but in reality I am a little scared...

The worry and anxiety we are feeling as I mentioned in a previous blog post is that some things are beyond our control and we don't know what will happen in the next few weeks, let alone the next 10 hours. All we can focus on is now and ask yourself ''How much is this interfering in my life?'' Am I taking all the right precautions to manage this?''

Take this time as a weird blessing in disguise to really catch up on things and reflect on what matters most. I been reading stories about brides who have had to cancel their weddings, a child who didn't get to celebrate their birthday but you know what? None of that is important as our health, family, friendship and love. Instead of fighting around over toilet paper really look at the bigger picture. Take this time to work on yourself, catch up on some family time, pet your animals, write down some thoughts. Change this darkness into light and use this time on things that we don't get to do in our busy lives that doesn't focus all of our attention on what's happening, because all these events will be postponed. During this time I promised myself I would work on my blog, read books, clean, and be productive with tasks that could ease my mind.

Some Tips I have to stay busy during Quarantine

1. Exercise if you can, look up videos on youtube there is plenty of ways to do this. It will minimize the stress.
2. Work on something you been putting off for a LONG time. This is the time to do it.
3. Get some friends together on FaceTime. 
4. Get some fresh air, remember parks and walking your dog isn't forbidden to the public.
5. Get started on a good book! 
6. Get crafty or learn a new recipe.
7. Start spring cleaning! 
8. Listen to podcasts, watch shows or movies.
9. Journal, meditate, reflect.

This post was to spread light and positivity during this difficult time. In an instant meetings, schools, etc were cancelled and families across America will be having dinner together. Here's our moment, use it wisely. Clean a closet, paint a room. What if the universe is trying to tell us something? To slow down and let the earth breathe, to take a step back and reflect. During these rough times ask someone if they need a hand. Do your part by staying inside and we WILL get through this together.

   What are you doing to stay busy during Quarantine?

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