30 empowering Lessons I learned before 30

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Thirty flirty and thriving

As my 30th approaches on the 29th of April I have started to reflect on all the things I did in my 20's. The good, the bad, the ugly. All the things I did that I never thought I would do. Before 25 If I thought of what it would be like to turn 30 I'd think ''wow that's old'' when I turned 28 I started to look at 30 with more excitement and feeling thankful. Why? because 30 is a privilege. This may be a LONG post to squeeze into 30 years so get ready. I called this blog post 30 empowering lessons because an empowered woman is someone who is in control of her life. She knows where her strengths and weaknesses are and each one of my lessons have shaped me into the strong woman I am today...

1. Empathy is important
Having empathy has helped me understand how others are feeling to know how to respond appropriately to a situation. You don't want to come out being the critical one in conversations with friends, family, your partner. I am so grateful to have loved ones in my life that show me compassion and understanding. I believe that having empathy and compassion is a skill you need to succeed in life.
2. Not everything turns out the way as planned
Many plans in life will not turn out as expected. The plans I had for my birthday didn't go as planned because of the outbreak of covid-19. I think in this life we should celebrate the big and the small and anyone who knows me knows that I am a planner with a bucket list. This is one of those things that taught me that it is OK when things don’t work out and some things aren’t meant to happen at least at this very moment. They are meant to work out even better!
3. It’s OK to say no
It’s ok to cancel plans. Sometimes you need time to yourself. I am sure we’ve all cancelled plans out of laziness, or maybe you didn’t want to be forced into hanging out with someone and that's ok. 
4. Life is short, eat the cake, take the trip buy the shoes
I love this quote. This inspirational quote reflects on how short life is. Enjoy it.
5. College is overrated 
Knowledge is important, people go to school and don’t have common sense. Life skills is what matter, real communication is what matters, how you function in a society matters.
6. Traveling is the best form of education 
I have learned more about the world, about people, about poverty, and about culture than I ever could from sitting in a boring math class.
7. You're more in control then you think you are
I learned that our choices are our own. If you don't like the relationship you're in, you're in control. Don't like that job? you're in control.
8. Life isn’t fair
No matter what life throws at you, no matter how unfair refuse to play the victim, refuse to quit. Work through whatever life throws at you as best as you can. 
9. Finding your passion is important

It will give you a purpose
10. Change is growth
If we don't change we don't grow. We don't grow from comfort zones.
11.  Let it go
Let go of what you cannot change. Feel what you need to feel then let it go.
12. Your more like your parents then you'd like to be sometimes
Accept it and work on the qualities you want to change.
13. Your health is your wealth
During these hard times, no money in the world could save people from fighting off what's going on in the world right now. Time and health is more important then money if you are healthy then you are richer then you think you are.
14. Not everyone is gonna get you 
Hold on tight to people who really see you for who you are and what you believe in. 
15. Learning patience
Is it the path to a happy and peaceful life
16. How to accept an apology you never received
Some people don't have empathy, some people don't care. I've learn to accept it for my own peace. Life will always have a way of coming back to those people which leads me to #17.
17. Karma is a b*tch
Be careful how you treat people, what you do to others has a funny way of coming back to you.
18. People don't think about you as much as you think they do
You are not the center of the universe Daniela. I've always been one to come from negative thinking that the second I walk out of room I feel I am being talked about or on someone's mind often. Truth is people don't think about you as much as you think they do.
19. Have some time alone
Go out for dinner or coffee alone, get a manicure and pedicure, read, blog or journal
There is so much self discovery you can find out about yourself in that alone time.
20. Manifestation is REAL
This has happened to me several times. Ever read ''The Secret''? You can do anything you put your mind too. What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can also achieve. You manifest all your thoughts. Set the right intentions because THEY COME. 
21. Don’t get into a relationship that isn’t for you
Save yourself the heart break and time and really get to know someone for their character and heart. Most importantly get to know yourself! I say this because I've been there and done it, been judged for it. I would date out of comfort and make the safe decisions in my 20's because I was afraid to go after what I wanted or didn't even know what I was looking for or what real POWERFUL love was or if I was even worthy of it? After all my messes and screw ups people would put down my idea's of love when I know now I am worthy of powerful, EPIC love and wouldn't settle for less. My lessons around love the last few years became super clear on what I want and the type of man I called into my life. I call the relationship with this man a ''sacred partnership'' that I learned about in a podcast from ''insight timer''. I manifested this relationship. I don't know how I did sometimes but I did and you will too. Save yourself and wait. 
22. Forgiveness
''To forgive is to set a prisoner free to discover that the prisoner was you''
23Don’t listen to other people
Only you know yourself and no one has walked in your shoes or experienced half the shit you have. Always follow your gut. Stay true to yourself and don't get influence by other people's opinions. 
24. Wisdom does not necessarily come with age. 
It comes with experience, just because someone is older than you, does not mean they know more.
25. Exercise. 
It is not just good for the mind but it is also good for your health.
26. Be good to the people you care about 
27. Respect yourself
Respect your self enough to walk away from anything or anyone that no longer grows you or makes you happy.
28. Don't compare yourself to others
Compare yourself to the person you were yesterday
30. The lessons never stop....

Part 2: 30 things to do before turning 30

My idea of 30 things TO DO (NOT LESSONS) These 30 things to do are realistic and are my own opinion of what I feel a young empowering woman who's ready to take on the world should do. I did get to accomplish some, not all. I go in detail about a few that spoke out to me. 

1. Save away and get financially stable
2. Get rid of bad habits
3. Take care of your body
4. Travel!

5. Quit the job that makes you unhappy! 
6. Learn to get organized
7. Don’t get into the gossip
Who doesn’t love a good laugh, I know I do. But getting wrapped up in the wrong conversations will come back to bite you. Chances are if they are gossiping they will 80 percent do it about you too.
8. Read! 
I could bore you with a list of benefits that come from reading but just do it! There is so much knowledge to learn on this earth. I love to read books on wisdom or biographies and will talk about some of my favorite books in a future blog post to come ;)
9. Overcome a fear
10. Treat yourself 
12. Stop worrying about your age 
''Im too old to do this'' I can’t believe I don’t have this job'' I can’t believe I’m not married with children''. Stop! Age is just a number. This thought came up countless times in my 20's but start embracing it because it will only get harder as we age :)
13. Step out of your comfort zone
14. Go on dates!!! (if your single) Date date! Meet new people, network, there are a lot of interesting intelligent people out there. I know, this isn’t some negative talk about dating. Look at it as fun. You get what you give to it.
15. Move to a different state or Live overseas
Life is a lot more interesting through the lens of an outsider in a new city. You’ll make the best memories then come back and appreciate home even more.
16. Practice gratitude
The happiest people are the ones who are grateful for everything they have.
17. Forgive yourself
18. Journal, reflect, document, photograph
19. Get into a morning routine
Whether it’s working out, journaling, sitting around sipping on your morning tea or coffee, meditiating. Start off with a fresh start.
20. Begin practicing self love
21. Starting getting into the habit about not caring what people think
You will need it for the rest of your life.
22. Develop a good group of friendships
Friendship is important. Find friends who remain loyal when your not around and are not in competition with your every move. Not everyone you meet in life will have your best interest in life and that’s ok just know where they stand in your book. I have been lucky to develop a small click of friends. Make friends that will be genuinely happy for you no matter where they are in life and same for you. Their accomplishments won’t minimize yours. 
23. Kindness is the new cool ;) so be kind always
24. Spend time with your family
We get so busy growing up we forget they are growing older too.
25. Get involved in fitness
You will thank yourself in the days ahead. 
26. Learn a second language
27. Learn to say sorry
It's often hard to admit when we are wrong. I believe we are in a society of people running  on ego and rather ruin a whole friendship or relationship rather then communicate. People will respect you more if you can admit your faults.
28. Learn to cook
29. Stop living for social media
The world doesn't need to know where you are at every minute or what your having for dinner. 
30. Develop a relationship with our creator (if you haven’t already)
The end of 2019 was a huge transformation for me and needless to say this year started out as the best year of my life (until quarantine) and it wasn’t till I opened my heart to god I began to heal and started to see life in a different way. It’s about a relationship. The truth is you don’t know how long you have, start now. 

As I close this chapter I feel thankful for the lessons, the amazing friends and family who supported me and stayed. A new relationship with an amazing man. As I enter this new decade the only small sadness I feel at 30 is growing out of things. Dreams of becoming a famous actress in hollywood, dreams of running for a super model competition, dreams of becoming a news reporter in a big city (gotta have high hopes right?) :) The best part is there will be unforgettable milestones in this new decade. 
The best is yet to come.

What has time taught you? 

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